Elizabeth Stallman attends Washington High School and is the president of her senior class. ... Learn More
Elizabeth Stallman
About Me
Elizabeth Stallman attends Washington High School and is the president of her senior class. She is active in Student Council, Math Academic Team, DECA, 4H, soccer, basketball, and tennis. She is a member of New Hope Christian Church and volunteers as a Sunday school teacher. In her spare time, she enjoys volunteering around the community through the WISH program and spending time with family and friends. Elizabeth was a lifeguard at Camp Illiana this summer, and next year, she plans to attend a four-year university to major in business. “I am thrilled to be in the CEO class this year because I have seen the impact that it can have on students. Also, I am excited to learn more about the business world. CEO will give me an immeasurable experience in my community and will prepare me for my college experience.”